Sunday, March 25, 2012

Home in Honduras

At last, we are finally here living in Honduras!  After what seemed to us a long process of fundraising,  followed by language school, was actually just all a part of God's own perfect timing. We recognize that we are here because He alone made a way as part of His sovereign plan for our family.

The first few weeks were occupied by purchasing items for our home, unpacking, and getting our home in order. Another big part of our settling in has been learning to drive in a city where there are no rules, and anything goes! You have to drive offensively to keep from having an accident & your horn is a very important tool as you navigate the roads.  We have also gotten back into the swing of homeschooling, which we decided to continue in order to finish out this school year. However, we are already looking at private schools here in Tegucigalpa for the boys to attend this Fall. Please pray for wisdom & discernment as we look at several schools over the next few months.

Gordon & Christy with two of our favorite young ladies, Doris and Mirna.
Our first team experience took place this past week. We were privileged to serve alongside fellow believers from NC, Alabama, and Virginia. Each day was a new experience as we hopped on the FCM bus to minister to the people in the impoverished communities. The bus was always supplied with plenty of beans & rice, as well as, clothes for the people in these communities. Alongside the busy highway we stopped at several shanties. A shanty, is a tiny home. It is often made of scrap wood with dirt floors and no electricity. These homes (or impoverished communities) is the location where a team will stop in order to share the Gospel and to give out provisions for their physical needs. Hearts were ready and many people became new believers!

Zac giving out beans & rice

                                                  A shanty in an impoverished community

Jared helping with the food ministry

Wil enjoying time with friends between stops during food ministry

Hanging out with Isabel, Ingrid, and Leiby

Each afternoon the team ministered to the FCM girls and boys through Bible stories, crafts, and devotions. Everyone also got to play several rounds of bingo, which is always a hit with the kids! The children really enjoyed this time as did the team, because it gave us the opportunity to get better acquainted with the children. It is still mind boggling to me as I witness the sweet nature of these children, especially since so many of them have been abandoned by their families, & in some situations, even abused. It just goes to show the amazing healing power of our Almighty God! It is such a privilege to work with such an amazing group of children. Please pray for us as God uses us and fellow missionaries, Richie & Lori, as well as, the Honduran staff to make a difference in the lives of these children and young men. For we all recognize that without God's hand on each one of us, our efforts would be in vain.

Boys eager for lunch

Our family has been adjusting well here in Honduras. We recognize God's provision; through friends that were already living in the city, a home in a safe neighborhood, a thriving church and even a sports center, both of which are very close to our home. And even though we do miss our family, friends, & home church; we are grateful to be living right here in the center of God's will. We are anxious to start discipleship with the younger children in the ministry, and we are excited about all God has in store for our family here. Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we serve alongside this wonderful ministry!
  We want to thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers as our family adjusts to living in Honduras. While raising support will always be a part of our lives as we serve on the mission field, it's the support we have been receiving that makes all the difference in the world. Your monthly partnership is the very thing that will keep us in Honduras serving alongside FCM. 
 Please pray that God will continue to bless us in that way.
 We pray that God will bless each of you and your families for your continued commitment!

Prayer requests:

Our family's adjustment to living in Honduras
Our health and safety
Our family's spiritual growth & the kids in the ministry
Protection against spiritual warfare
Guidance as we start discipleship classes with the FCM boys & girls 
Wisdom/discernment as we look for a school for our boys to start this Fall
Honduran staff & U.S. staff

Because He first loved us,
Gordon, Christy, Jared, Zac, and Wil

Random photos of the FCM children/young men...

The team!

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall make your paths straight."

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